If you are in a leadership position within an organization, you know how important it is to check-in on your employees’ morale and keep tabs on their happiness as part of your team. If you lead a growing team, you likely cannot schedule as many one-on-one meetings with them as you used to, but you still value their input, especially if they’re spread out over long distances. The solution? Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) surveys.
An Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) survey is a tool that helps measure employee engagement, which, in turn, helps you improve your organization. In contrast to customer NPS surveys, eNPS surveys are designed specifically for your organization’s employees.
An eNPS survey is an online survey used to gauge employee satisfaction and loyalty, as well as identify areas where improvement is needed. Leadership and managers at all levels can use the survey results to make better decisions about how to improve morale within their teams and organizations as a whole.
The Benefits of Running an Employee Net Promoter Score Survey
Running an employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) survey is a great way to gain insights into employee satisfaction and engagement, measure loyalty, build a positive workplace culture, and improve customer service.
Understanding how your employees feel about their work and their roles can help you identify areas where improvements need to be made so they’re happier in their work life. You’ll also be able to see if there are any common themes among those who aren’t happy at work—which may indicate problems with management or company culture. This can help you figure out what changes need to be made for them to feel better about their jobs overall.
Employee net promoter score surveys can help improve employee happiness and company culture.
How to Administer an eNPS Survey
Now that you’ve decided to run an employee net promoter score survey, it’s time to get started. Here are some tips on how to administer an eNPS survey:
Choose the right survey platform.
There are many different software options out there, so make sure you choose one that will work for your company’s needs and budget. If you’re looking for something simple but powerful (and free), check out SurveyMonkey or Google Forms—both of which offer plenty of customization options as well as analytics tools so you can track responses over time and compare results across different groups within your organization or industry sector. If the budget is no object, consider Alchemer. Formerly known as SurveyGizmo, this platform offers everything from data collection through analysis in one place—and it has all sorts of bells and whistles like surveys designed specifically for mobile devices.
Decide on the right survey questions.
In addition to asking employees about their overall satisfaction, include questions about specific aspects related to what makes up those bigger-picture numbers such as “How likely are you to recommend us to a friend or family member as an employer?” and ask why. This will help give insight into what people really think about working at your company rather than just whether they’d recommend others join up, too!
Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your eNPS Survey
- Make the survey anonymous.
- Ask open-ended questions, not multiple choice.
- Provide incentives for employees to take the survey and share their results with you (e.g., gift cards).
- To make sure your survey is fair, accurate, and representative of the opinions of all employees, consider using a third party to administer the survey or selecting a representative sample to ensure you are getting an accurate view of employee sentiment.
- The more questions you ask in an eNPS survey, the harder it is for people to complete them. Too many questions usually lead to fewer responses, inaccurate scores, and higher levels of frustration among respondents. Make sure each question provides enough context so respondents understand what they’re being asked; otherwise, they may give answers based on their assumptions rather than actual experiences.
- Communicate survey goals clearly throughout all stages from planning through reporting results back to leadership teams.
The leadership team should meet and discuss the employee net promoter score throughout the process.
How to Analyze eNPS Survey Results
After you’ve collected your survey results, it’s time to analyze them. The first step is figuring out how to calculate the eNPS score. Calculate your eNPS score using the same formula as the standard NPS, calculate your eNPS the same: subtract the percentage of detractors from your percentage of promoters. For example, if you have 75% promoters, and 10% detractors, your eNPS score is 65). Then look at how your company’s eNPS has changed over time—you may notice trends in certain areas of improvement or decline. Finally, use this data to inform decisions about how you can improve engagement and retention at your company.
How to Take Action on Employee Net Promoter Score Survey Results
- Create an action plan. The data you collected in your eNPS survey is only as good as the actions you take based on it. So, once you have all of your survey results in front of you, make sure they’re guiding decisions about how to improve employee engagement and loyalty.
- Set goals for improvement. It’s easy to get lost in the numbers when it comes to analysis—but don’t forget about what those numbers mean for your organization! Set concrete goals for improving employee engagement levels over time by using this information as part of an overall strategy for boosting morale.
- Develop strategies based on survey results and other sources of data related to employee happiness such as exit interviews or annual reviews; these can provide valuable insight into why certain employees left while others stayed put despite offers elsewhere.
Don’t wait; start now!
The employee net promoter score survey is an effective way to gauge the overall health of your company. It can help you identify areas for improvement, determine how well your culture is working, and give employees a voice in the process of defining your culture.
If you’re looking for ways to improve your business and boost morale, running an eNPS survey is one of the best ways to do it.